City of St Johns Water Well
This well is located in Concho Valley Unit 6 subdivision. The water well is owned by the City of St Johns. The water is piped over to St Johns. The City of St Johns water department Phone Number: 928-337-2031 performs regular water samplings and monitors this facility.
Livco Water and Sewer Company, Inc.,provides water and sewer service to Concho. The business contact phone number is: 928 337-2266
The Arizona Department of Water Resources has a wealth of information on wells, and water. You can contact the Department of Information Services for information on wells. To find out if any wells are in the area of your property you will need the township, range, and section. If you don't have that info you can contact the Apache County Assessors Office. Once you give this info to the department they will fax or send out a sheet with all known wells in your section, and the depth of the well, drill date, and owner info.
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